项目时间:2013年7月4日至8月28日 申请截止时间:2013 年 1 月 20 日 具体申请流程,请查询: http://china.studyabroadfoundation.org/saf_programs/unil_sur.php 项目介绍: Study Abroad Foundation (SAF) is proudly launching the UNIL Summer Undergraduate Research (SUR) Program within SAF member universities. The UNIL SUR program is offered by the School of Biology of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne. This unique program enables all the accepted biology, life sciences or medicine majored students with a great opportunity to: SAF 海外学习基金会在 SAF 会员大学内推出 SUR 项目。SUR 项目是由洛桑大学生物和生 物医学院提供。生物、生命科学、医学专业的学生通过此项目可以有机会: •Research into the unknown in the laboratory; •Have a research scientist as the mentor; •Join the seminars and learn the presentation skills for research projects; •Learn from senior researchers on their research topics and career path; •Get advices from faculty members on the PhD studies opportunities; •Get full financial support from UNIL and SAF during the program; •Make friends and communicate with students from divers cultural and academic backgrounds; •Experience the campus life of world-class university; •Live in Lausanne; •在实验室对未知领域探索和研究 •由科学家进行指导 •参加讲座并学习进行就科研项目演说的演讲技巧 •从师于资深科研人员,了解他们的研究课题以及职业发展道路 •从院系老师处获得申请博士研究生的建议和指导 •从 UNIL 和 SAF 处获得经济支持 •和来自不同国家地区的学生交流获取不同文化和学术知识 •体验世界级大学的校园生活 •在瑞士洛桑生活 洛桑大学简介: University of Lausanne (UNIL) was founded in 1573, and nowadays the university is a comprehensive university which compromises 7 faculties with altogether 11,000 students and 2,600 researchers. The UNIL is very active in research and teaching. All professors are researchers, and students immediately benefit from the latest development of their research. The UNIL is especially strong in Finance, Law and Criminal Justice; Biology and Medicine (FBM); Geosciences and Environment (GSE). 瑞士洛桑大学成立于 1573 年,现已成为拥有 7 个学院 11000 名学生和 2600 名研究员的综合性大学。洛桑大学致力于研究和教育。所有的教 授都是研究员,学生可以第一时间在他们所在的研究领域获得最新的研究动态。洛桑大 学的强势专业是经济、法律、司法犯罪、生物医药和地理环境。 The UNIL campus is located on the shores of Lake Geneva. The spectacular scenery with views of the Alps and the lake make it an ideal place for researching, studying and living. 洛桑大学坐落于日内瓦湖畔,远眺阿尔卑斯山。山光湖色使得洛桑大学成为研究、学习 和生活的绝佳之地。 Lausanne is a city residing in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, situated on the shore of Lake Geneva. The city is famous for its long tradition of fostering intellectual and cultural innovation. Apart from the University of Lausanne, the Federal Institute of Technology, hundreds of language schools and private academies, Lausanne is also the home of the International Olympic Committee, the Court of Arbitration for Sport and many multinational companies. 洛桑坐落于瑞士日内瓦湖沿岸的法语地区。洛桑是一座古都,城市的历史源远流长,整 个城市充满着浓厚的文化艺术气氛。除了洛桑大学以外,这里有联邦理工学院、酒店学 校、国际学校,以及各种学院。国际奥林匹克委员会总部也在洛桑,同时还有体育总裁 法院和很多跨国公司。 |